In the current context, and while remaining faithful to its tradition, this sixth edition of Tangier Logistics Days could not avoid examining recent crises that illustrate the major challenges currently faced (and will continue to face) by supply chains. These challenges are both geopolitical, with the proliferation of military and economic conflicts, and environmental, concerning climate change and energy transition. The former are sometimes the consequence of the latter.
For managers, the question first arises of integrating these challenges into their supply chain strategies and then of the elements to face them. Technological advancements such as those related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) promise potential to address VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) markets, but supply chain management also questions traditional indicators (inventory levels...) as well as the skills of the actors to be more efficient and resilient. These themes will become central in future editions of Tangier Logistics Days.
The 6th edition of Tangier Logistics Days will therefore focus on addressing the issues raised by geopolitical and environmental challenges:
• How to integrate these challenges into supply chain strategies?
• What are the potential contributions of technologies, AI?
• How to manage supply chains in uncertain environments?